Samstag, 20. November 2010

Weimar to Pushkar – the journey begins on November 9th, 2010

Weimar train station: I and my 2 backpacks plus a food back.

I think I am carrying around 23 kg around with me, but that is all I've got for however long I will travel, so it's not that bad.

Katharina & Tom

My friends Katharina and Tom from Munich.

Thanks so much for hosting me and being so great on my last day in Germany. Thanks for the best Pizza from Munich and all the other good food and drinks we had.


These pictures are especially for Tom-Justin and Torsten – as you both imagined: Dubai is full of Ferrari’s and rich Sheiks.

Dubai is a great city, especially if you have a tour guide called: Sonja. 

Sonja, thanks so much for showing me around in old and new Dubai.  
Dubai has the biggest buildings, shopping malls, water games, public aquarium etc. – nice beaches, good food and more - it's worth going there for sure.

Pushkar is a small, magical, desert-edged town with 400 milky-colored temples curled around a holy lake. It's an important Hindu pilgrimage centre, with one of the worlds few Brahma temples.

I went mainly there because of the Camel fair but also the market, the Ghats, the temples are definitely worth seeing.

Especially around the time of the full-moon, which will be the weekend of the 21st – 22nd of November, pilgrims come to bathe in the sacred waters of the Pushkar lake and its fifty-two bathing Ghats. So the town gets super crowded.

Holy cows on the way to the camel fair – they seem to enjoy the market. 


The, 'Best Falafel shop' in Pushkar and his owner. I am sorry Tom but if you and me thought the best Falafels are from Paris or Berlin – it was wrong, Pushkar is the place to get them.

The camel fair is not only about trading camels and cattle, it has also a major cultural program.

Moustache competition
Matka Race (Water pot race for women)

You can find herds of camels crossing your bath on the way to the Savitri Temple – where you can see the sun-set best, when I was there, it happened to be also the time of the hot-air balloon show.



I also enjoyed a 1 ½ hour camel ride: a bit into the desert and back – nice, relaxing.

I will be leaving Pushkar on Monday to go to Jodhpur – also called the Blue City.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Eylin, how good to hear from you! It looks like you are having a great time and are enjoying your new life :)I will keep track of you on your blog - fantastic work!
    Take Care,

  2. ach eylin, schön von dir zu lesen... wir hoffen, dass es dir wunderbar geht und schicken dir die herzlichsten grüsslies aus thun! :-)
    andrea und ivan

  3. Kjære Eylin!
    It seems like you are having a good time. I am so happy that you have these blog. It's nice that i can follow you and read about what you are experiencing. Take care! Love Turid

  4. Eylin...
    DU hast`s geschafft und bist dem regnerischen Deutschland entkommen !!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Sonja hat mir den Link zu Deinem Blog geschickt und ich werd Dich jetzt regelmässig ver"folgen" :-)
    Ich wünsch Dir alles Liebe und Gute für Deine Reise und hoffe Du teilst weiterhin fleissig Deine Eindrücke mit uns!!!

    Ganz viele liebe Grüße,
    PS: und ganz lieben Dank nochmal für Deine schöne Elefanten-Postkarte :)

  5. Hi Eylinchen,

    Es ist eine tolle Idee, Deine Erlebnisse auf einem Blog zu veröffentlichen... da reise ich auch ein wenig mit Dir!
    Liebe Grüsse, Katrin

  6. Looks great - Love the Hebrew signage at the falafel shop. The twins really liked your photos - especially the one of you "carrying your house" around ;-)

    Good luck with the trip!

  7. Worth the wait! Keep them coming! Hugs, Melissa

  8. Beautiful pictures Eylin! So the best falafel are not in Le Marais??!! Gotta go try that in India then ;) Hugs!

  9. I'm so happy that you've decided to document this amazing adventure on a blog. I look forward to following you around. Happy to see that you lugged your yoga mat with you. Hugs! E

  10. Eylin,

    Hope you are well! Loved your pictures. Have a great journey!


  11. Hi Eylin,

    looks like a great adventure... although not enough Ferrari pictures in my opinion. :)
    Why could I see your hair on the Dubai pictures? Weren't you supposed to wear a shador? ;)
    Enjoy the rest of the trip, take care and come back safe to Lucerne.

    Cheers, Martin
